A small farewell

I started my journey at Mehandi in May 2014. While I knew I was going to be learning about something new, I had no idea that I would learn more than just all things henna.

I started off by asking tons of questions to co-workers. I was “that co-worker” *blush*. I wanted to know about everything. I was working in a salon and was still new to the world of hair. I started to talk to Dr. Catherine Cartwright-Jones. She let me pick her brain throughout my shifts and answer any questions I had. She also encouraged me to think. Customers brought me more questions to ask, which only allowed me to learn more. Finally, I found myself being capable of answering just about anything related to henna.

I started to play around with mixes. I tested formulas on hair swatches that I was not too sure would work. I started to get comfortable with formulating complex mixes. Our team went from being able to offer basic formulations, to advance troubleshooting.

Throughout my years in customer service, I established relationships with our regular customers and new customers. A simple “Hello” turned into a warm meaningful greeting. Familiar voices brought a smile to my face. I worked alongside many of you to help get your recipe just right, or to help you figure out where to start. I stayed on the phone while you mixed up your products, I reassured you when you doubted yourself. I even helped some of you cope with becoming deathly allergic to traditional hair color. I heard you tell me about how your partner really looked at you for the first time in a long time, or how you no longer were mistaken as a grandmother to your own children. You allowed me, a perfect stranger, to help you, whether you were in Ohio or on the other side of the world, regardless of each other’s cultures, native languages, or personal beliefs.

All of these years later, I find myself tearing up when I am telling a few of you that I am leaving Mehandi to partake in a new journey, a new field. You won’t hear my voice or see my signature on emails, but you have the best team there to help you with whatever you need. All of the good vibes you’ve passed on to me, I hope you get it back times 100.

You may see a blog from me here and there in the future, but otherwise, I bid you all a sweet farewell.


One thought on “A small farewell”

  1. Maria,
    Thank you for all you did for me in helping me reach my fullest satisfaction with the products offered. You were ALWAYS very patient, generous, and professional with your time.
    I know you will be very successful in your next opportunity.
    God bless,
    Ken Post

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